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We Had A Vision ...

The Texas Prader-Willi Association has been planning our camp activities & dining plans to host another successfully smooth and fun camp experience. We have space to host up to 40 campers with Prader-Willi Syndrome at “People With Smiles” Camp – 2015. We have worked for YEARS to make this camp available to our PW loved ones!  It has been such a joy in developing.  Because our PWS specific camp was a huge success its first four years, we are happy to announce the coming of our 5th consecutive camp this year!  Our goal is simply to provide a fun camp experience for our families and friends living with PWS. We will be hosting activities such as swimming, inflatable slip & slide & archery, just to name a few. All drinks, snacks and food for campers and counselors will be the same to keep emotions even for all groups involved.  We look forward to seeing all the fabulous smiles our Campers bring!

The Future ...

It is our hope to see our “People With Smiles Camp” continue to grow with each passing year!  It is our desire to offer everyone the opportunity to participate in fun and adventurous camping activities and look forward each year for the fun to begin! 

TXPWA Summer Camp Program

Our camp is specifically designed for those who have Prader-Willi Syndrome. Most wtih PWS cannot attend the traditional camp due to food issues. We have designed meals and snacks to comply with the specialized needs of those with PWS and still provide a Fun and Exciting camp experience that otherwise might not have been possible. Our volunteer's are dedicated to not only making sure our camper's have the time of their lives, but also to insure their safety with issues again specific to Prader-Willi Syndrome. In order to attend you must be at least 8 years of age and you must have Prader-Willi Syndrome. You do not have to live in Texas to attend. Alcohol and any illegal substances are prohibited.
Our Camp Mission
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